Statue of Priest Kenkei Genrin
The 11th generation head of Rokuouin, a disciple of the revitalizer Kosen. He passed away on August 4, 1661 (the first year of the Kanbun era), at the age of 55. His father was a palace physician to both Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, and an expert in the art of incense. He authored the "Tsurezuregusa Shou." Kenkei served in a diplomatic role at the Iseian in Tsushima from 1653 (the second year of the Jōō era) to the following year, handling Japan-Korea relations. In 1655 (the first year of the Meireki era), a Korean envoy came to Japan to celebrate the succession of the fourth Shogun, Ietsuna.